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Click here to schedule your FREE trial class now!

Contact us today: 847-452-7055

Trial class is for new beginner students only.

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Kids Martial Arts

Children love learning at W. Kim Tae Kwon Do in Mount Prospect, IL. Our children martial arts programs are high-energy, fun and interactive.

Martial arts classes should go far beyond just kicking and punching.

Our classes focus on character development, physical fitness, and self-defense — with the primary goal of building a child’s discipline, self-confidence, and self-esteem. Our school emphasizes encouragement and positive correction, and we work hard to ensure all students are treated with dignity and shown respect.

When your child becomes a student at our school, they join a community that works together to support each other’s personal goals and celebrate our successes.

To schedule a free trial, click here or give us a call at (847) 452 - 7055.

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Family Martial Arts

Our family martial arts classes focus on parents and kids to work together on character development, physical fitness, and self-defense.

Your kids will gain better concentration, greater self-discipline, improved health, and enhanced leadership skills.

You will gain muscle, increase stamina, enhance flexibility, and reduce stress.

Both of you will learn critical self-defense tactics to protect yourself from life’s dangers — and discover the self-confidence you need to accomplish anything you set your mind to.

With our martial arts for families program, you can bond with your child, get fit, and learn life skills — all at the same time.

To schedule a free trial, click here or give us a call at (847) 452 - 7055.

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Adult Martial Arts

Martial arts is great for kids, and it can be even better for adults. After thousands of years, no fitness program has surpassed the physical and mental benefits of martial arts.

Gain muscle, increase stamina, enhance you flexibility, and reduce stress — all while having fun. If you’re looking to shed a few pounds - you’ve come to the right place. Crush your weight goals like a stack of bricks! In addition, you learn critical self-defense tactics and techniques.

But the greatest benefit of practicing martial arts is the self-confidence to tackle life’s challenges. You’ll discover you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Master martial arts, master yourself.

To schedule a free trial, click here or give us a call at (847) 452 - 7055.

See what others are saying about us!

W. Kim Tae Kwon Do was the best choices we made for our boys. They’ve grown into fine young men of character.”

- A. Diane, Palatine